Every employee – from the shop floor to the corner office – can be a catalyst for change and propel your organization to new heights of success. Understand the mental models that drive innovation, growth and resilience – and leverage them companywide to achieve more.
The rate of change has risen sharply since 2019: 183% over the past four years and 33% in the past year alone. The takeaway? Adapt or risk being left in the dust. This eBook, packed with insights, strategies, and real-world examples, offers a roadmap to gear up and transform speed into your ultimate competitive advantage.
Across industries, managers typically spend just 10 to 40% of their time actively supervising employees. Translation? If you want a more agile, productive, and profitable organization, redefine what you expect from frontline managers. Start here!
Could there be a "right" way to solve your most inscrutable challenges? You decide.
Here are ten problem-solving models robust enough to tackle the stickiest of wickets - and practical strategies for improving your team’s problem-solving abilities.
Retrospective, transactional performance management falls woefully short in today's workplace. Learn how to revolutionize employee performance and organizational outcomes by adopting a more flexible, collaborative, and growth-oriented process of true enablement.