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Forget IQ and EQ, the REAL Key to Success is AQ

Life comes at you fast.

The ability to adapt can determine whether your business will thrive or die.

^^That's what AQ is.

AQ, defined:

AQ stands for Agility Quotient or Adaptability Quotient. It's the ability to shift as needed when unexpected obstacles or opportunities arise. While IQ and EQ are essential, it's AQ that can keep you in the game.

Individuals with strong AQ can anticipate and react quickly to change. They don't mind experimenting to find the right solutions. As managers, they guide their staff effectively through change, keeping them motivated and assuaging their fears.

People with AQ are easy to recognize. They stand apart. Nothing seems to throw them off their game. When everyone else is panicking, they are quickly coming up with solutions and putting them into action.

They are unflappable.

Stephen Hawking said, "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change."

How can your organization be more adaptable?

  • See it coming. Recognize when change is coming and don't let it throw you off your game.
  • Understand the impact. Know who will be affected by the change and how they are likely to react.
  • Approach with an open mind. Be willing to try a variety of solutions, even if they may fail.
  • Bring the team along. Develop your own AQ and teach your team to do so as well.

How can you hone your own AQ or that of your employees?

The book, The Oz Principle by Roger Connors, Craig Hickman, and Tom Smith introduces the concept of increasing AQ through the four steps to accountability: See it, Own it, Solve it, Do it. Here's how it works:

Acknowledge the need for change.

What is the inciting incident that reveals a need for change? Is it a new competitor? An innovative technology that you're expected to embrace? Analyze the cause of the issue and solicit feedback from others. Look for those willing to share honest perspectives that may not align with your own and consider them as well.

Take accountability.

Ask everyone involved to share accountability by remaining results-focused and not assigning blame. This will encourage people to speak up with new ideas without fear of being judged for failures.

Create an action plan.

Consider multiple options to make the best choice. Tunnel vision early in the process can limit your possible solutions. Asking what else you can do creates a "yes and..." approach that reveals diverse answers you may not have previously considered.

Put your plan into action.

Begin with an experimental mindset - one in which you're willing to try and tweak until the correct solution is found. Don't be discouraged by false starts. Build trust by remaining honest, open and accountable to yourself and each other.

How can you hire for AQ?

  • Reach out to your network. The challenge of identifying people with AQ is getting to know them well enough to see this aspect of their personality. If you tell trusted contacts what to look for, they may be able to connect you with people who have the IQ, EQ and AQ to succeed in your organization.
  • Solicit internal referrals. You know which of your current employees have the greatest adaptability. They are the most likely to know others with similar abilities and attitudes.
  • Read between the lines. When reviewing a candidate's information or in the interview, look for indications that they were able to overcome adversity. Were they able to overcome educational, physical or athletic adversity?
  • Focus on behavioral questions. This is where candidates reveal their attitudes and blind spots. Look for potential employees who are resilient, able to roll with the punches and welcome change.
  • Ask for examples. You'll learn little from asking candidates if they handle change well. Ask them to share a time when an unexpected event occurred at work and they had to adapt.
  • Present hypotheticals. This will offer you an opportunity to see their thought processes and analyze how well they deal with a challenging situation that is presented to them.
  • Work with a staffing provider. Staffing firms offer flexible solutions that allow you to adjust with the ebbs and flows of business. Whether you need to meet a tight deadline or to access high AQ talent, they have the resources and experience to help you keep up with today's dynamic business environment.

The ability to adapt is essential to businesses in the 21st century. One of the best ways to adapt to change is with the flexibility of staffing. The workplace and the economy continue to evolve, employers must find ways to evolve.

To learn more, download our FREE eBook, "The Rise of the New-Collar Worker." Discover powerful ways to find and develop the talent you need as the world of work evolves.