Employer Resource Center

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Newsletter Archive

How AI Will Reshape Your Workforce

How AI Will Reshape Your Workforce

Will AI be a force multiplier for your business - or threaten its survival? Know the trends. Seize the opportunities!
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Output vs. Outcomes: How to Truly Create Business Impact

Output vs. Outcomes: How to Truly Create Business Impact

Ready to move from “busyness” to “effectiveness”? Make sure your teams are focused on the right things.
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Moving FASTER: Using Strategic Speed for Competitive Advantage

Moving FASTER: Using Strategic Speed for Competitive Advantage

This eBook, packed with insights, strategies, and real-world examples, offers a roadmap to gear up and transform speed into your ultimate competitive advantage.
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Beyond Brainstorming: Unlock Innovation With Choice Mapping

Beyond Brainstorming: Unlock Innovation With Choice Mapping

Need more "Eureka!" moments? Try choice mapping to tackle your company’s big problems.
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Move Over, EQ: Meet RQ, the New Intelligence Your Team Needs

Move Over, EQ: Meet RQ, the New Intelligence Your Team Needs

Relational intelligence (RQ) is the skill of navigating relationships well - to run your business (and your life) better. Here’s why your team needs it - and how to develop it.
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From Cog to Coach: Crush Your 2024 Company Goals by Elevating Frontline Managers

From Cog to Coach: Crush Your 2024 Company Goals by Elevating Frontline Managers

Across industries, managers typically spend just 10 to 40% of their time actively supervising employees. Translation? If you want a more agile, productive, and profitable organization, redefine what you expect from frontline managers. Start here!
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Hiring Problems? Kick 'Em to the Curb in 2024

Hiring Problems? Kick 'Em to the Curb in 2024

Successful hiring presents complex challenges for your business – unless you have the inside track! Use these strategies to dramatically improve your hiring process!
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Future-Proofing Your Workforce: Problem-Solving Long-Term Talent Needs

Future-Proofing Your Workforce: Problem-Solving Long-Term Talent Needs

2024 presents unbelievable opportunities – and significant risks. To maximize the former (and minimize the latter), provide a roadmap for leaders to anticipate future talent requirements, address skills gaps, and align workforce strategies with long-term business goals.
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Sticky Wickets: A Leader’s Guide to Mastering Problem Solving

Sticky Wickets: A Leader’s Guide to Mastering Problem Solving

Here are ten problem-solving models robust enough to tackle the stickiest of wickets – and practical strategies for improving your team’s problem-solving abilities.
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Want Better Results? Start With Better Questions

Want Better Results? Start With Better Questions

Want to increase innovation? Make better hires? Improve problem-solving? Start by honing your questioning skills.
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Unlocking Your Own Potential: Are Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back?

Unlocking Your Own Potential: Are Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back?

As a leader, your beliefs can propel you to achieve the seemingly impossible - or they can keep you from ever even trying.
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Unlocking Performance Potential: A Leader's Guide to Employee Performance Enablement

Unlocking Performance Potential: A Leader's Guide to Employee Performance Enablement

Learn how to revolutionize employee performance and organizational outcomes by adopting a more flexible, collaborative, and growth-oriented process of true enablement.
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How AI Will Shape Your Workforce

How AI Will Shape Your Workforce

Will AI be a force multiplier for your business - or threaten its survival? Know the trends. Seize the opportunities!
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Promoting Employee Well-Being: 6 Ways Your Staffing Partner Can Help

Promoting Employee Well-Being: 6 Ways Your Staffing Partner Can Help

Absenteeism. Turnover. Falling productivity. These are signs of stress…and burnout. The right staffing partner can improve your organization’s performance by supporting employees’ well-being. Here’s how!
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The Business Case for Making Well-Being a Strategic Priority in 2023

The Business Case for Making Well-Being a Strategic Priority in 2023

Think workplace well-being is HR’s issue? Employees’ stress and worry in 2022 beat 2020 peaks. It’s time to make your team’s well-being a strategic priority. Here’s how!
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Grow Your Business - By Spotting the Growth Mindset

Grow Your Business - By Spotting the Growth Mindset

Whether you’re hiring, promoting from within, or simply looking to maximize the value of high-potential employees, here’s how to identify individuals with a growth mindset!
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Difficult Conversations: These Approaches Work

Difficult Conversations: These Approaches Work

As a leader, you can’t shy away from tough conversations – and with these proven strategies, you won’t be tempted to. Learn three ways to communicate directly, diplomatically and effectively to achieve the outcome you want.
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Innovative Leadership: Mastering the Art of Shutting Up

Innovative Leadership: Mastering the Art of Shutting Up

Learn how to become a more effective leader – and build a stronger business – by using silence strategically!
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The Antidote to

The Antidote to "Quiet Quitting"

Apply these proven strategies to maximize engagement and discretionary effort among your core and contingent employees.
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Press Pause During the Holidays: Show Your Gratitude

Press Pause During the Holidays: Show Your Gratitude

The holidays are the perfect time to express appreciation for your hard-working employees amid the holiday hustle!
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Charting a Bold Path Through Uncertainty: A Leader’s Guide to Success

Charting a Bold Path Through Uncertainty: A Leader’s Guide to Success

These bold leadership strategies will help your business lean into volatility and disruption – and truly thrive!
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The Art of the Sale: How to Get Top Candidates to Say YES 

The Art of the Sale: How to Get Top Candidates to Say YES 

When you identify your top choice, here’s how to close strong – and convince them that yours is the organization they should choose!
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Mastering Modern Workforce Planning: Strategies for Success

Mastering Modern Workforce Planning: Strategies for Success

In this issue:
-Mastering Modern Workforce Planning: Strategies for Success
-How a Recession Could Impact Remote Work
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Radical Transparency: A Leader's Guide to Building Loyalty, Performance and Profits

Radical Transparency: A Leader's Guide to Building Loyalty, Performance and Profits

With dispersed workforces, disengaged employees and high turnover the norm, transparency has gone from "neat concept" to business essential. Here's how to increase transparency – from the top down, bottom up, and inside out – to create a culture of ownership, trust, loyalty and higher performance within your organization.
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How's the Weather...in Your Company? 

How's the Weather...in Your Company? 

Here's how to keep a pulse on both to keep your culture and performance at their peak.
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Maximize Performance, Retention and Profits With This Guide!

Maximize Performance, Retention and Profits With This Guide!

Leaders who strategically invest in employee development report 11% greater profitability, 6x employee engagement levels, and 2x employee retention. Here's how to build the right culture to reap these benefits.
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Tired of turnover? You need to read this.

Tired of turnover? You need to read this.

A recent AWS study found that 84% of employers improved retention by establishing skills training programs. If you're tired of turnover and ready to build a higher-performance organization, develop your employees.
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Labor, Salary and Workforce Trends for 2022: The  Numbers You Need to Know

Labor, Salary and Workforce Trends for 2022: The Numbers You Need to Know

The sansdemic. The Great Resignation. The post-pandemic workplace. It's time to move beyond the buzzwords.
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Download this free workplace guide today!

Download this free workplace guide today!

Get practical tips for improving profitability and performance by identifying areas where smart staffing can reduce costs, improve efficiency, mitigate risk and more.
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Transform employee performance in the new year!

Transform employee performance in the new year!

What can be done to increase your team’s engagement, productivity, and performance? It starts with you.
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It might be time to start rethinking

It might be time to start rethinking "success"...

The "stick" for measuring success has changed. Learn the KPIs to understand -- and optimize -- your company's, your team's and your own performance.
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Here's how to grow your high-potential employees!

Here's how to grow your high-potential employees!

Here's how to grow your high-potential employees from promising protégés to managers and leaders -- without losing business focus.
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These Trends Will Shape Your 2025 Workforce

These Trends Will Shape Your 2025 Workforce

What does the future hold for the global workforce? Here are five factors that will impact the workforce in the years to come.
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Your guide to success is here!

Your guide to success is here!

To attract top talent, you may need to change your hiring approach. One option to consider: hiring for potential.
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Have you tried these interview questions?

Have you tried these interview questions?

The best way to achieve your DE&I goals is through your people. But how do you find talent that aligns with your company's workplace culture and diversity and inclusion goals? By asking these questions.
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How does your compensation strategy stack up?

How does your compensation strategy stack up?

Paying equitably is more than the law; it's crucial to your organization's long-term success.
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DE&I: New Rules for 2021

DE&I: New Rules for 2021

Effective Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) is about more than hiring a diverse selection of people; it takes the right strategy, culture, and technology to succeed.
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You Will Want to Make This Update...

You Will Want to Make This Update...

In this issue:

Update Your Temporary Labor Playbook

Building Habit Resilience
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Is it time to change your mind(set)?

Is it time to change your mind(set)?

In this issue:

Driving Performance Is as Simple as Changing Your Mind(set)

Performance Metrics for Remote Workers
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Catapult Your Company to New Heights in 2021

Catapult Your Company to New Heights in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a new era of remote work, and that era is here to stay. Fifty-nine percent of U.S. workers want to keep working from home as much as they can once the pandemic is over, according to a Gallup poll.
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What is your plan for 2021?

What is your plan for 2021?

Creating your 2021 strategy was an immense undertaking. Now that you've set your course, how can you ensure it's faithfully executed? Here's how to make your carefully laid plans a reality -- and achieve your company's goals this year.
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Help employees finish their year on a good note!

Help employees finish their year on a good note!

In this issue:

-Building a Culture of Optimism

-Overcoming Remote Work Fatigue
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Time to

Time to "restart" your business for 2021

In this issue: -Operation “Restart:” Eyes on 2021
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The importance of building a learning culture

The importance of building a learning culture

In this issue: -Stimulate Your Company's Brain: Build a Learning Culture -Don't Be an Ostrich
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Reader, do you have what it takes?

Reader, do you have what it takes?

In this issue: -The (New) "Right Stuff": Essential Qualities the Modern Manager Needs -The Power of Consciously Changing Your Perspective -Mastering Flexibility: The Key to Bouncing Back Faster
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It's time to bounce back!

It's time to bounce back!

In this issue: -Mastering Flexibility: The Key to Bouncing Back Faster -High Stakes: How Great Leaders Make Perfect Decisions With Imperfect Data
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How to be the key to your company's growth

How to be the key to your company's growth

In this issue: -"The Right Stuff" – Qualities Managers Need to Drive Growth -The Mindset a New Leader Needs
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The Best Books to 10x Your Thinking -- and Your Bottom Line

The Best Books to 10x Your Thinking -- and Your Bottom Line

In this issue: -Beach Reads to 10x Your Thinking – and Your Bottom Line -Cool Ideas to Keep Your Team Positive and Productive This Summer
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Reader, are you ready to restart?

Reader, are you ready to restart?

In this issue: -Get in Gear: Talent Strategies to Kickstart Your Company's Growth
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How Strong Are Your Managers?

How Strong Are Your Managers?

In this issue: -14 Metrics to Gauge Performance -How Senior Leaders Should Spend Their Time
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The REAL key to success...

The REAL key to success...

In this issue:

-Forget IQ and EQ, the REAL Key to Success is AQ

-Antidotes to Overwork: A Leader's Guide
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Beat the Talent Shortages in 2020 and Beyond

Beat the Talent Shortages in 2020 and Beyond

In this issue: -The Rise of the New-Collar Worker: Beating Talent Shortages in 2020 and Beyond
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Are you ready for battle?

Are you ready for battle?

In this issue:

-The Modern Leader: Skills for Success in 2020 and Beyond

-Stay Interviews: An Essential Tool for Winning ‘the War to Keep Your Employees’
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Are your employees lonely?

Are your employees lonely?

In this issue: -Business Resolution 2020: Cure the Loneliness Epidemic -3 Habits to Create More Focused Hours in Your Workday
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Where are your employees?

Where are your employees?

In this issue: -Making Remote Work, Work: How to Build and Lead High-Performance Dispersed Work Teams
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Time to go?

Time to go?

In this issue: -Is It Time for That Boss to Go? -Practical Ways to Make Employees' Work Meaningful -High Stakes: A Leader's Guide to Decision Making Success
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This is

This is "perfect" for you!

In this issue: -Is the Pursuit of Perfection Helping or Harming Your Business? -When the Perfect Candidate Doesn't Exist, Hire This Person
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Reader, the stakes are high! Are you making the right decisions?

Reader, the stakes are high! Are you making the right decisions?

In this issue: -How Great Leaders Make Perfect Decisions With Imperfect Data
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Is your culture losing you money?

Is your culture losing you money?

In this issue: -Leadership Principles to Build a Profitable Company Culture -Should You Fight for Them? Pros and Cons of the Counteroffer
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Reader, how's your bottom line?

Reader, how's your bottom line?

In this issue: -Culture and Your Bottom Line: Connecting the Financial Dots -HR ROI: Maximizing the Return on Your Human Capital Investment
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Essential HR Metrics, and how you can improve them!

Essential HR Metrics, and how you can improve them!

In this issue: -[ebook] Talent ROI: Essential HR Metrics (and how you can improve them!)
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Is there an upside to turnover?

Is there an upside to turnover?

In this issue: -An Upside to Turnover? -Is That Employee Ready to Lead?
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How's your bottom line?

How's your bottom line?

In this issue: -Employee Retention and Your Bottom Line -Are You an Innie or an Outie? -Big Ideas for Beating the Retention Crisis
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Where is everyone going?

Where is everyone going?

In this issue: -[eBook] Big Ideas for Beating the Retention Crisis
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These Job

These Job "Attraction Factors" Improve Recruiting Effectiveness

-These Job "Attraction Factors" Improve Recruiting Effectiveness -Shocking Workplace Statistics That Impact Your Bottom Line
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Are your employees ready to jump ship?

Are your employees ready to jump ship?

In this issue: -"Switch-Worthy": Perks & Benefits Employees Would Jump Ship For -You Can't Fake Appreciation
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Are you Paris or Siberia?

Are you Paris or Siberia?

Want top talent to be as attracted to your organization as tourists are to Florence, Prague and Paris? Here's how to build a "destination workplace" -- and win the war for the best direct hires, temps and contractors.
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Finish Q4 Strong This Year!

Finish Q4 Strong This Year!

There are three months left in 2018 - are you primed to make the most of them? Here's what you should be doing now to finish Q4 strong - and create momentum to make next year your best yet.
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Are your employees just average?

Are your employees just average?

Average employees comprise 60% of the workforce. With these strategies, you can tap the potential of middle performers - and dramatically improve your organization's performance.
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The Robots Are Coming!

The Robots Are Coming!

AI and machine learning. RPA, cobots and autonomous vehicles. Technology is disrupting entire industries and causing tectonic shifts in how work gets done. With McKinsey & Co. predicting that 45 percent of today's jobs will be automated out of existence within 20 years, what will your future workforce look like -- and how should you prepare?
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Workplace Dysfunction: Are You the Culprit?

Workplace Dysfunction: Are You the Culprit?

You work extremely hard, under intense pressure, to deliver on your objectives. But in the process, could you unwittingly sabotage your employees' success? Use these best practices to lead effectively -- without being a you-know-what.
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Are you building bridges...or burning them?

Are you building bridges...or burning them?

The U.S. gender pay gap is narrowing at a glacial pace. Here's what your company can do to bridge that gap faster and build a stronger, more diverse workforce -- by ensuring fair pay for all employees.
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Dr. John Sullivan:

Dr. John Sullivan: "Spend more!"

While profitability is undeniably important, HR and business thought-leader Dr. John Sullivan explains why excessive cost-cutting damages recruiting results.
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Are you a leadership master?

Are you a leadership master?

Leadership advice is everywhere, but the latest trends in executive management are useless unless you have solid fundamental skills. In this guide, learn how to master four essential -- yet frequently overlooked -- building blocks for successful leadership.
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Third-party sexual harassment - What you need to know

Third-party sexual harassment - What you need to know

Customers are your organization’s lifeblood. But what happens when your employee claims they’ve been harassed by a major client? Here’s what you need to know about third-party sexual harassment -- and how you can protect your organization.
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Smile...you'll be more profitable!

Smile...you'll be more profitable!

Happy employees do more than smile; they're more productive, loyal, creative -- and even close more sales. Check out these statistics, and find out what you can do to foster greater happiness -- and build a healthier bottom line.
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Problem solved!

Problem solved!

Problem solving is the greatest enabler for growth and opportunity. These novel strategies will help you tackle whatever challenges 2018 brings your way -- and dominate your industry.
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Skunks...your key to innovation

Skunks...your key to innovation

A skunk works effort is about boldly challenging the status quo. Flipping power dynamics. And disrupting your industry. Here's how world-class organizations are creating serious competitive advantages with skunk works -- and how you can do the same.
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Is Remote Work Ruining Your Workforce?

Is Remote Work Ruining Your Workforce?

Heavy hitters like IBM, Bank of America and Aetna are curtailing remote work for one simple reason: It's an innovation-killer. Is it time for your company to bring the remote-work flock in?
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Important legal issues to watch in 2018

Important legal issues to watch in 2018

Pay-related employment laws are changing -- rapidly. What laws will impact your organization -- and how should you prepare for the year ahead?
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Reader, your competition is way ahead!

Reader, your competition is way ahead!

Your competition is already planning for next year. What about you? Here's how to make the most of the remaining months, and create momentum to make next year your best yet.
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Reader, we've got a big idea for you!

Reader, we've got a big idea for you!

Drive profits, innovation, performance, retention and more -- by getting your entire staff to think more strategically. Here's how.
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Time for a revolution!

Time for a revolution!

Change is inevitable. Will your business cause it -- or play catch-up? Take the lead. Revolutionize your industry with these disruptive (and highly profitable) practices.
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Top Candidates do not equal Top Employees

Top Candidates do not equal Top Employees

In this issue:

-Top Candidates do not equal Top Employees

-Fuel More Arguments at Work
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Do more. Spend less. Go crazy!

Do more. Spend less. Go crazy!

In this issue:

-Understaffing: a Risky Proposition

-Productivity Tips: 5 Ways to Keep Employees Happy

-Free Survey to Gauge Employee Happiness
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Another day, another crisis

Another day, another crisis

In this issue:

-Expect the Unexpected: How to Manage a Crisis While Maintaining Workplace Productivity

-Productivity Tips: The 25 Hour Day!

-Results at Work: A New Approach to an Old Problem Improves Productivity and Saves Money

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2013 EEOC Criminal Background Check Guidelines -- Are you in compliance?

2013 EEOC Criminal Background Check Guidelines -- Are you in compliance?

In this issue:

-To Check or Not to Check? Straight Talk About EEOC Guidelines for Conducting Criminal Background Checks

-Productivity Tips: Keep Interviewing Simple

-Tools: Dos and Don'ts for Conducting Criminal Background Checks
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Feel more like a referee than a manager?

Feel more like a referee than a manager?

In this issue:

-Feel More Like a Referee than a Manager?

-Productivity Tips: Fun & Flexibility Boosts Productivity
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Creating Championship Teams for Your Office

Creating Championship Teams for Your Office

In this issue of Key Ideas:

-Creating Championship Teams for Your Business

-Take Control of Your Day--Before it Takes Control of You!

-Meetings & March Madness
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Free eBook: MBO for 2013

Free eBook: MBO for 2013

In this issue:

-The Shredder Ate my Report--Improve Performance with "Management by Objectives" (MBO)

-Productivity Tips: What's Out? Multitasking. What's In? Mindfulness!

-Case Study: Simplification. Streamlining. Single-source options.
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Welcome to the new Key Ideas!

Welcome to the new Key Ideas!

In this issue:

-Hiring in 2013? Key Talent Acquisition Trends to Watch

-Five Ways to Make This Your Most Productive Year Ever!

-Why questions can be your most powerful employee motivation tool.
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Very Impressive!

Very Impressive!

It's a cliche because it's true: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. And when you're making that impression in front of a group, the stakes go up.
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Are You Making These Hiring Mistakes?

Are You Making These Hiring Mistakes?

Interviews are about more than asking questions. This checklist will show you 15 ways to assess your interviewing skills.
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"Want to do lunch?"

Setting the stage for the future success of any employee is crucial, and it begins at the beginning. And if you want your new employees to add value from the start, here's how to make it easy for them.
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How can we improve?

How can we improve?

Despite high unemployment, many companies are finding it increasingly difficult to hire and retain the best and brightest skilled employees for their organizations. Today, I would like to ask for your help in evaluating how our company can better address these challenges in the future.
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How to Win Customers and Influence Complainers

How to Win Customers and Influence Complainers

As Mad Men's Don Draper once famously said, "If you don't like what is being said about you, change the conversation." This month's edition of Great Ideas shows you the right way to do that using social media.
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Bored?! Check This Out!

Bored?! Check This Out!

Want to inspire your team without spending a fortune? Try these three ideas.
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Hiring Failure: Do Tech Skills Matter?

Hiring Failure: Do Tech Skills Matter?

You know how important fit is, so you'll want to read this month's Great Ideas. It's a quick guide to the most important soft skills: what they are, why they're important and how to identify them.
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The Idiot's Guide to Being the Boss

The Idiot's Guide to Being the Boss

In this article, you'll find nine simple rules--guidelines, if you will--for what to wear, how to act, what to say and what not to say when you're the boss.
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Got a Minute?

Got a Minute?

In this article, we'll show you how to identify--and alter--those activities that are draining precious minutes from your day.
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Curing TOXIC negativity in your workplace

Curing TOXIC negativity in your workplace

In this article, we'll show you how to identify the causes of negativity in your company--and more importantly, what you can do to wipe it out!
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Do Performance Reviews Give You Performance Anxiety?

Do Performance Reviews Give You Performance Anxiety?

This month's issue of Key Ideas is geared toward taking the stress out of that situation. Take a few minutes to read our collection of helpful hints and proven strategies below. I promise--it won't hurt a bit.
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To "E" or Not to "E," What is the Answer?

But when it comes to training, what is the best method? Classroom-based training is probably the most familiar to many of us, who grew up learning in a classroom. But e-learning uses the latest technology to share knowledge and training. What type of training is best for your organization?
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Forget about annual reviews!

Forget about annual reviews!

Keep productivity humming and results churning--plus keep your employees happier--with a defined performance management system.
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The truth about workplace diversity

The truth about workplace diversity

An organization's success and competitiveness depends upon its ability to embrace diversity and realize the benefits. But managing diversity is more challenging than it seems.
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Have you ever lied on a reference check?

Have you ever lied on a reference check?

Do you know the five steps to an effective and legal reference check? Not sure? Then check out this month's Key Idea.
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Key Ideas: 10 Interview Questions You Must Ask

Key Ideas: 10 Interview Questions You Must Ask

Did you know that a bad personality fit is the most common reason for a bad hire? But how can you tell if someone will really fit into your corporate culture? Here are 10 questions you can ask to ensure the person you are about to hire is a great match for your company.
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Great Ideas: Temps are more than fill-ins

Great Ideas: Temps are more than fill-ins

Partnering with a staffing firm is more than just a good position fill, quality service or being responsive to business needs. Successful partnering brings long range strategic value to each organization, helping to increase productivity, control expenses and improve profitability.
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Key Ideas: Retain Your Best Employees

Key Ideas: Retain Your Best Employees

I hope you enjoy this month's article on retaining your star employees. And check out the article 10 Tips for a Staff That Lasts from our Staffing Resource Center for more tips on employee retention.
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Great Ideas: The Secret of Extraordinary Leaders

Great Ideas: The Secret of Extraordinary Leaders

Do you know what it takes to be an extraordinary leader? That's the subject of this month's issue of Key Ideas. I hope you'll really enjoy our feature article--it is essential reading if you're looking to hire and develop great leaders.
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Key Ideas: Get More Out of Your Team

Key Ideas: Get More Out of Your Team

Want to increase the effectiveness of your team? You'll find out how in this issue of Key Ideas.
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Are You a Busy Boss?

Are You a Busy Boss?

This month in Key Ideas, we're focusing on a topic that's critical to the success of any business--being an effective boss and leader.
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Let's Celebrate!

Let's Celebrate!

Now that the holidays are over, it's time to put an end to the celebrations and get back to work, right? Not so fast! As this issue of Key Ideas highlights, you may actually want to keep celebrating. In fact, the right celebration can be a key factor in achieving your goals!
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Mastering Performance Reviews

Mastering Performance Reviews

This issue of Key Ideas focuses on the review process. Our feature article will show you how to conduct "pain free" reviews that produce great results
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The bomb on the plane

The bomb on the plane

People are overworked and overstressed. And it's taking a toll, not just with extreme behavior, but in terms of declining productivity levels, increasing turnover, and rising costs. So how can you prevent your people from "pulling a Slater?" This month's article will teach you how to deal with the stress factor at work.
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Why pay for performance comp plans fail

Why pay for performance comp plans fail

Why do most "pay for performance" comp plans fail to improve profits? That's a tricky question, and one we hope to answer with this issue of Key Ideas.
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Inspire Your Employees Now

Inspire Your Employees Now

This month's Key Idea will show you how you can inspire your employees and increase loyalty, passion, and engagement throughout your workforce.
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Should you use social media in hiring?

Should you use social media in hiring?

Do you use social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn as part of your hiring process? If so, be careful! As our feature story points out, when used incorrectly, social networks can get your company into serious legal trouble!
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Do You Know Who You are Really Hiring?

Do You Know Who You are Really Hiring?

According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 30 percent of small business failure is caused by employee theft. And the cost of making a bad hire can be two to seven times an employee's salary. To mitigate your risk of hiring objectionable or even dangerous employees, background checks are essential. In this article, you'll discover five keys to conducting thorough, legal, and effective background checks
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Use Temporary Staffing to Manage Your Workload

Use Temporary Staffing to Manage Your Workload

Discover a better way to even out the highs and lows in your workload, save money, and reduce employment risk
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10 Great Ideas for Good Supervision

10 Great Ideas for Good Supervision

Poor supervision is often one of the biggest causes of high turnover. In this economy, you need to hold on to your best people. This Key Ideas article that offers 10 best practices for employee supervision
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Today's Businesses Need Gladiator Leaders

Today's Businesses Need Gladiator Leaders

Spartacus. Maximus. Just the mention of these gladiators conjures up images of strength, bravery, and honor. Management consultant Greg Smith says these "gladiator virtues" can actually help any organization improve their position and get ready to take advantage of the coming economic upswing.
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Increase Employee Productivity

Increase Employee Productivity

Increase Employee Productivity
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