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Live Better: Embracing JOMO

Tired of always feeling like you're one step behind, missing out on the "next big thing"?

JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out, can help you banish those feelings - transforming your work, personal life, and mental well-being.

You've probably heard of FOMO or Fear of Missing Out, that feeling that other people are living better, have better jobs and have more fun than you are. Constantly being fed everyone's highlight reels doesn't help.

But the tide is turning. Increasingly, people realize they might not be missing out on much at all. That's what led to the rise of JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out.

What Is JOMO?

JOMO is about making a conscious choice to find contentment in your own life and current circumstances, leaving behind the relentless race to keep up with the latest trends and posting every thought on social media.

It means embracing the moments of solitude and the opportunities they offer for introspection, creativity, and personal growth.

While FOMO often leads to anxiety and discontent, JOMO encourages introspection and a focus on quality over quantity in our experiences and interactions.

What Does JOMO Look Like?

JOMO can be many things - depending on what brings you joy. Maybe you decide to stay in and read a book instead of attending a crowded social event. You might take a weekend off social media - putting away your electronic devices and spending time outdoors instead.

The essence of JOMO lies in making these choices without feeling guilty or that you're missing out on something supposedly better.

What are the Advantages of JOMO?

JOMO can lead to significant benefits in terms of productivity and creativity. When you narrow your attention to what matters most, it allows for deeper focus, minimizes distractions, and reduces the burnout associated with the constant pressure to be engaged and available 24/7. Employees who practice JOMO tend to have better time management skills, are more committed to their tasks, and report higher job satisfaction.

In your personal life, you may find that JOMO is a relief compared to the social comparison and envy digital platforms can perpetuate.

By finding joy in missing out, you can cultivate a stronger sense of self that's not grounded in conforming to societal expectations but in staying true to your values. When you take control of your time and attention, you make more intentional and meaningful choices, improving mental health and reducing anxiety and stress.

How Can You Embrace JOMO in Everyday Life?

  • Digital Detox: Allocate certain times of the day or days of the week to turn off or put away electronic devices. Taking a break from digital consumption can help reset your focus and enhance your awareness of the present moment.
  • Mindful Consumption: When you do engage with digital media or social networks, do so mindfully. Ask yourself whether the content you consume adds value to your life or wastes time.
  • Set Boundaries: Say no to commitments that don't align with your personal or professional goals. Decline social invitations that don't interest you. Set limits on work hours to prevent burnout.
  • Embrace Solitude: Use alone time as an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. Pick up a new hobby, meditate, or just sit quietly with your thoughts. Solitude can be incredibly rewarding.
  • Live in the Moment: When you're with others, fully engage with them instead of thinking about what you might be missing elsewhere. Being present will lead to richer, more satisfying interactions.
  • Embrace Imperfection: Accept that you can't do everything, be everywhere, or please everyone. Celebrating the beauty of imperfection leads to a more contented life.

Embracing JOMO isn't about withdrawing from the world. It's about engaging with it meaningfully without worrying about missing out on something else. JOMO means taking back autonomy over your choices, time, and energy.

As we learn to fully appreciate the moments we choose to engage in, we discover the true joy of missing out, leading us to a more balanced, fulfilled, and joyful life.

On the job hunt? Looking for a better opportunity where you can thrive? Let's chat! Email Carolyn Gala at